Energy Loss In Homes: Save Money With Proper Insulation [Infographic]

Abigail Sawyer | 31 May 2013 | Energy Saving

With summer temperatures climbing you may be dreading that next AC bill. Did you know that up to 25% of your home's energy can escape through windows and doors?

Proper insulation can make a big impact on energy loss, especially with windows. Bump up your efficiency with insulating window coverings are Cellular Shades and Shutters. Both trap air between the window and your home to stop heat loss in its tracks.

To learn more about where you're losing energy and how to insulate your home, take a look at the following infographic.

Home Insulation Infographic

Energy Efficiency Infographic via

  • About Author

    Abigail Sawyer is the Manager of Social Media Marketing for She's a home improvement junkie who is currently restoring a 1972 cottage with the help of her husband and goldendoodle, Biscuit. Walking in the footsteps of Martha Stewart, she’s happiest when she’s crafting or whipping up a new recipe; although nothing beats curling up with a good book and some Girl Scout Cookies. Follow her on twitter + instagram at @whatabigailsaw